Daedalus Documentation



Welcome to the Daedalus documentation!

The motivation behind this project was to provide a bot that is transparent about the permissions it wants and what it does, supports modern Discord features so you can take advantage of all of the new Discord features with Daedalus by your side instead of fighting against it, gives you the flexibility to set up your server how you would like, but is also straightforward enough to approach for a beginner to use.


Most commands are fairly intuitive. You can find a full list here which has a list of all of the commands and full information on them.

Additionally, the module list provides you with a list of permissions the bot needs to work. If you are not comfortable giving the bot all of the requested permissions, you can look through the modules you want to use to determine which permissions you can remove without causing issues with functionality.

The permissions page gives a list of requested permissions and why the bot wants them, so you can also check there to see if you can safely disable a permission.

Tech Stack

The bot is written in the Bun JavaScript Runtime using discord.js. This dashboard is made using with Next.JS which is a React framework, Tailwind CSS, and shadcn/ui. The backend is written with tRPC and stores its data in a MySQL database hosted by Planetscale, which is connected using the Drizzle ORM.

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