Daedalus Documentation


Default Permissions

Some permissions are requested by default, particularly ones that do not open the possibility for abuse or exploits and are usually granted to all or most members anyway.

You can disable these anyway, but note that we do not guarantee that features will work as expected even if they don't seem to obviously need the permission. We will still seek to remove unneeded permission access whenever possible, so if you notice a feature isn't working even though it seems like it should, please let us know.

  • View Channel is required for automod, autoresponder, logging, etc. Slash commands bypass this permission if you do not grant it, but most features will not work if the bot cannot access the applicable channels.
  • Send Messages and Send Messages in Threads are required for similar reasons as View Channel.
  • Embed Links is required as most of the bot's messages are posted as embeds. If you deny this permission, many messages will be mostly empty or not send at all.
  • Attach Files is required for logs or uploading files when a message's length overflows normal message limits.
  • Read Message History is used by operations like the purge command. Reaction roles that use reactions also need this permission (though not prompts that use buttons or dropdowns).
  • Use External Emoji is highly recommended as the bot may use emoji from its home/support server or other emoji host servers.
  • Add Reactions is needed for reaction roles and reaction-based autoresponder triggers. Most features will work without this but it is recommended to grant it.

Module-Specific Permissions

  • Kick Members is required for automod and the kick command.
  • Ban Users is required for automod, nukeguard, and ban-related commands (ban, unban, massban).
  • Manage Channels is required for stats channels, modmail, tickets, and the slowmode command.
  • Manage Messages is required for automod, count channels, and the purge command.
  • Manage Roles is required for many features including reaction roles, sticky roles, autoroles, and anything relating to mutes.
  • Manage Threads is required for modmail (if using thread mode).
  • Create Public Threads is required for modmail (if using thread mode).
  • Timeout Members is required for timeouts (automod and the timeout command).
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